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Privacera Documentation

Updates in Privacera Platform, Date: 2023-08-11, Release 8.1

This document contains information about the new features and enhancements in Privacera products and services, updates to supported third-party systems, and important announcements for this release. Release notes are available with every new version of the Privacera software package. 

Each release comes with product documentation that explains any new features or enhancements.

For more information about feature availability, see Privacera's Product Support Policy

Access Management updates


Support to resolve the Athena query that has with clause and sub-queries.

Following are the performance improvements in Dataserver:

  • Eliminate creation of ObjectMapper object-which is expensive-for every request.

  • Replace iteration with map lookup to find SERVICE_REQUEST for a given URL and action.

PolicySync connector updates

Supports Ansible installation for PolicySync Connectors by providing Ansible properties for the service configured.

Support policy validity period to specify time periods in which the policy is active.

Discovery updates

The error message improved for the cases where re-evaluate will not work if the file is not scanned previously.

Discovery now supports EMR 5.3 Hive and Spark SQL scan. All the data to be scanned will be stored in S3. Data can be read or scanned in following three ways:

  • Directly as files

  • EMR Hive

  • EMR Spark SQL

Improved Data Inventory Report for each resource that gets scanned with new added fields along with additional details.

Privacera Manager updates

Nginx Ingress Controller has been updated to support Kubernetes versions 1.21 and above.

Portal updates

The Databricks Unity Catalog is now supporting Auto-complete feature for listing the database , schemas and tables.

Enhancement to show authorization statement-For example, login banner upon login attempt.

The search widget in Audit page improved with the effective search results.

Support bulk update of the classification so that multiple column tags can be accepted or rejected as a single action.