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Privacera Documentation

Configure Databricks Spark Object-level Access Control Plugin

  1. Run the following commands.

    cd ~/privacera/privacera-manager/
    cp config/sample-vars/vars.databricks.scala.yml config/custom-vars/
    vi config/custom-vars/vars.databricks.scala.yml
  2. Edit the following properties. For property details and description, refer to the Configuration Properties below.

  3. Run the following commands.

    cd ~/privacera/privacera-manager
    ./ update

Databricks Spark object-level access control plugin configuration properties




Set the property to enable/disable Databricks Scala. This is found under Databricks Signed URL Configuration For Scala Clusters section.


A URL or list of comma-separated URLs. Privacera Dataserver serves only those URLs mentioned in this property.

Only required for the following configurations/connected systems:

  • AWS or legacy workspace but not EC2.

  • Azure


Add the instance profile ARN of the AWS role, which can access Delta Files in Databricks.


Set the init script.

If enabled, Privacera Manager will upload Init script ('') to the identified Databricks Host.

If disabled, Privacera Manager will take no action regarding the Init script for the Databricks File System.


Configure Databricks Cluster policy.

Add the following JSON in the text area:

               "Note":"First spark conf",
                "Note":"Second spark conf",

Managing init script

Automatic Upload

If DATABRICKS_ENABLE is 'true' and DATABRICKS_MANAGE_INIT_SCRIPT is "true", the Init script will be uploaded automatically to your Databricks host. The Init Script will be uploaded to dbfs:/privacera/<DEPLOYMENT_ENV_NAME>/, where <DEPLOYMENT_ENV_NAME> is the value of DEPLOYMENT_ENV_NAME mentioned in vars.privacera.yml.

Manual Upload

If DATABRICKS_ENABLE is 'true' and DATABRICKS_MANAGE_INIT_SCRIPT is "false" the Init script must be uploaded to your Databricks host.

  1. Open a terminal and connect to Databricks account using your Databricks login credentials/token.

    • Connect using login credentials:

      1. If you're using login credentials, then run the following command.

        databricks configure --profile privacera
      2. Enter the Databricks URL.

        Databricks Host (should begin with https://):
      3. Enter the username and password.

    • Connect using Databricks token:

      1. If you don't have a Databricks token, you can generate one. For more information, see Configure JSON Web Tokens for Databricks.

      2. If you're using token, then run the following command.

        databricks configure --token --profile privacera
      3. Enter the Databricks URL.

        Databricks Host (should begin with https://):
      4. Enter the token.

  2. To check if the connection to your Databricks account is established, run the following command.

    dbfs ls dbfs:/ --profile privacera

    You should see the list of files in the output, if you are connected to your account.

  3. Upload files manually to Databricks.

    1. Copy the following files to DBFS, which are available in the PM host at the location, ~/privacera/privacera-manager/output/databricks:


      • privacera_spark_scala_plugin.conf

      • privacera_spark_scala_plugin_job.conf

    2. Run the following command. For the value of <DEPLOYMENT_ENV_NAME>, you can get it from the file, ~/privacera/privacera-manager/config/vars.privacera.yml.

      dbfs mkdirs dbfs:/privacera/${DEPLOYMENT_ENV_NAME} --profile privacera
      dbfs cp dbfs:/privacera/${DEPLOYMENT_ENV_NAME}/ --profile privacera
      dbfs cp privacera_spark_scala_plugin.conf dbfs:/privacera/${DEPLOYMENT_ENV_NAME}/ --profile privacera
      dbfs cp privacera_spark_scala_plugin_job.conf dbfs:/privacera/${DEPLOYMENT_ENV_NAME}/ --profile privacera
    3. Verify the files have been uploaded.

      dbfs ls dbfs:/privacera/${DEPLOYMENT_ENV_NAME}/ --profile privacera

      The Init Script is uploaded to dbfs:/privacera/<DEPLOYMENT_ENV_NAME>/, where <DEPLOYMENT_ENV_NAME> is the value of DEPLOYMENT_ENV_NAME mentioned in vars.privacera.yml.

Configure Databricks cluster

  1. Once the update completes successfully, log on to the Databricks console with your account and open the target cluster, or create a new target cluster.

  2. Open the Cluster dialog. enter Edit mode.

  3. In the Configuration tab, in Edit mode, open Advanced Options (at the bottom of the dialog) and then the Spark tab.

  4. Add the following content to the Spark Config edit box. For more information on the Spark config properties, click here.

    spark.databricks.isv.product privacera
    spark.driver.extraJavaOptions -javaagent:/databricks/jars/privacera-agent.jar
    spark.executor.extraJavaOptions -javaagent:/databricks/jars/privacera-agent.jar
    spark.databricks.repl.allowedLanguages sql,python,r,scala false
  5. Optional: for legacy workspaces, add the following to the Spark Config edit box: false
  6. Optional: To use regional endpoints for S3 access, add the following name/value pairs to the Spark Config edit box, where <region> is the desired AWS region.

    spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.endpoint https://s3.<region>
    spark.hadoop.fs.s3.endpoint https://s3.<region>
    spark.hadoop.fs.s3n.endpoint https://s3.<region>
  7. Under Configuration, click Edit. Select Advanced and choose one of the following options to set the associated init script path.


    File path





    For the <DEPLOYMENT_ENV_NAME> variable, enter the deployment name as defined for the DEPLOYMENT_ENV_NAME variable in the vars.privacera.yml file.


    Databricks has deprecated dbfs and encourages the use of Workspace files. To avoid warnings from Databricks, Privacera recommends that you use the Workspace option.
  8. For OLAC on AWS to read S3 files, whether an IAM role is needed depends on which services you are accessing:

    • If you are accessing only S3 and not accessing any other AWS services, do not associate any IAM role with the Databricks cluster. OLAC for S3 access relies on the Privacera Data Access Server.

    • If you are accessing services other than S3, such as Glue or Kinesis, create an IAM role with minimal permission and associate that IAM role with those services.

    For OLAC on Azure to read ADLS files, make sure the Databricks cluster does not have the Azure shared key or passthrough configured. OLAC for ADLS access relies on the Privacera Data Access Server.

  9. Save (Confirm) this configuration.

  10. Start (or Restart) the selected Databricks Cluster.

Related information

For further reading, see: