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Privacera Documentation

Privacera Platform overview

Privacera Platform is an integrated data governance and security platform. Privacera enables you to get the most out of your data by ensuring consistent governance, security, and compliance across all your cloud and on-premises operations.

Log in to the Privacera Portal

To log in to the Privacera Portal:

  1. Go to http://${Portal_HOST}:${Portal_PORT}

  2. Enter the Username and Password in the respective fields.

  3. Click Login.

    The Privacera home page displays.


Privacera portal listens on port 6868. You can access it using http://${Portal_HOST}:6868. You can also use the quick link from Ambari in the case of HDP. Privacera portal uses the same username and password as Ambari Admin portal for HDP.

Privacera Platform Portal overview

Portal header overview

The header section of the Privacera Portal has the following options:

  • Expand & Collapse: Expand and collapse the left panel of the Privacera homepage.

  • Notification: Displays a list of critical issues or warnings.

  • Environment: Displays the current environment of the application, such as PRIVACERA_PROD.

  • Timezone: View and change the current timezone.

  • User Menu: View the current user. Contains the Profile, About, and Logout options.

  • Profile: View information about the current user and change their password.

  • About: View the current version of Privacera.

  • Logout: Log out of the portal.

Portal navigation menu overview

The navigation menu in the Privacera Portal displays the following:

  • Discovery: Identifies sensitive information in your data by scanning resources and adding tags.

  • Dashboard: Classifies resources and displays details like the number of scanned files and columns.

  • Data Source: Add resources to be scanned.

  • Tags Information: Create and manage tags for Discovery and Access Management.

  • Dictionaries: Uses content type and meta type based detectors to find specific data elements in your data. Privacera provides dictionaries to detect common patterns based on data elements such as PERSON_NAME or URL.

  • Patterns: Uses regular expression based detectors to find specific data elements in your data resources. Privacera provides patterns to helps to find data elements like Email or URL.

  • Models: Finds data elements in your resources using algorithms and heuristics.

  • Rules: Configure and manage custom and default rules used for classification.

  • Scan Setup: Configure System Classification and set the minimum review score.

  • Scan Status: View the progress of offline scans.

  • Data Inventory: Contains following features:

    • Data Explorer: View your data for applications. For example: in HDFS, it displays the actual HDFS folders and respective data. For Hive, it displays the list of databases and tables in the database.

    • Classifications: View tagged resources.

    • Review: View resources that have been categorized for review.

    • File Explorer: View all the data for your applications. Allows you to upload files.

  • Launch Pad

  • Access Management: Add and administer the various supported Services and Policies under the following:

    • Resource Policies: Allows you to add a new policy for a particular service.

    • Tag Policies: Allows you to use existing/familiar resource-based policy UI for tag-based policies.

    • Service Explorer:

    • User/Group/Roles: Create and give permissions to users, groups, and roles.

    • Permissions: Set permission to user roles.

    • Reports: Manage the policies as the number of policies grow. This page will list all the policies from HDFS, HIVE, HBASE, KNOX, YARN, KAFKA, SOLR, and STORM.

    • Audits: Records of actions or attempted actions of user and services. Privacera provides the following different types of audits:

      • Admin: Administration operations inside the Portal. For creating users, groups, roles or creating or editing policies.

      • Login Sessions: Users logging into the Portal.

      • UserSync: Shows records of the UserSync application pulling users and groups from an external service. Each time it tries to sync with the service a summary of the results will be recorded. (Number of new users, new groups, modified users, modified groups.. time of the sync. And some additional details depending on the type of service being synced.

      • Policy Sync: Shows operations/queries that the PolicySync application performs on the external service it is configured for. For example, creating users, group/role memberships, or modifying policy (permission grants/revokes).

    • Security Zone: Enables administrators to set security policies for a service based on the admin rights that are set for those zones.

  • Compliance Workflow: This section contains following features:

    • Alerts Dashboard: View alerts based on created data zone policies.

    • Data Zone Dashboard: Group and mark areas within your data lake to serve specific, well-defined purpose.

    • Data Zone Movement: View a summary of the Data Zone movement.

    • Data Zones: Group and mark areas within your data lake to serve a specific and well-defined purpose. Apply policies and workflow on those resources for a more fine-grained control.

  • Encryption & Masking: Mask sensitive data based on tags. For example, a data analyst might look at the person's name which does not reveal the subject but cannot look at both the person name and DOB. Privacera's dynamic data masking policies allows you to mask sensitive data depending on the role of the person. A call center agent who needs to verify the identity of a customer needs to be allowed to look at the unmasked value, while the data analysts and data scientists running advanced analytics should be prevented from looking at personal data.

    • Schemes:

    • Formats: View data types with their scope which will be used during encryption. While creating schemes, you can specify the format type.

    • Encryption: Encrypts your data.

  • Built-in Reports: View and generate various types of reports such as Discovery And Classification, Audit Summary, and Data Governance.

  • Saved Reports: View saved reports and export them as a CSV file.

  • Offline Reports: If reports contain large number of rows and the exporting process requires time, then the report gets moved to the Offline Reports section.

  • Settings: This section contains the following features:

    • Data Source Registration: Add and enable applications that need to be scanned.

    • User Management: Create users with multiple roles such as ROLE_SYS_ADMIN, Role_ADMIN etc. Also you can edit and delete the existing users if the user having permission with respect to role.

    • Data Subject Rights:

    • Databricks Policies:

    • Import / Export: Import or export Patterns, Dictionary, Model, Data Zones and Tag Information using JSON files.

    • Token Generator: Generate Certificate and JCEKS.

    • System Configurations: Set the System properties as well as Custom properties in the Privacera portal.

  • Diagnostics: This section contains following features:

    • Health Check: View information related to systems such as Kafka, HBase, Solr, HDFS, Discovery etc.

    • Logs: View information related to system logs such as Error, Warning, Information, and Unknown.

    • Metrics: Provides a powerful toolkit of ways to measure the behavior of critical components in your production environment.

    • Events:

  • Help:

    • Menu Reordering

    • API Documentation: Links to Privacera API documentation.


The entries in the navigation menu vary depending on the role assigned to the user. For more information see, User Management.