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Set Up an Okta Application

Ensure that you have Administrator access to your Okta Account and Privacera.

Follow these steps to create and configure an Okta application for Single Sign-On (SSO):

Step 1: Log in to Your Okta Admin Console

  1. Log in using your administrator credentials.

Step 2: Create a New Application

  1. In the Admin Console, navigate to Applications from the left-side menu.
  2. Click on Applications under the Applications tab.
  3. On the Applications page, click Create App Integration.

Step 3: Choose SAML 2.0

  1. In the Create a New Application Integration dialog, select SAML 2.0 as the sign-in method.
  2. Click Next to proceed.

Step 4: General Settings

  1. In the General Settings section, provide a descriptive name for your application in the App name field.
    For example: Privacera Portal SAML-SSO
  2. (Optional) Upload a logo for the application if needed.
  3. Click Next to proceed to the SAML Settings page.

Step 5: Configure SAML Settings

  1. In the SAML Settings section, fill in the following fields:

    Field Value Example
    Single sign-on URL Self-Managed: https://PORTAL_HOST/saml/SSO
    Audience URI (SP Entity ID) privacera_portal
  2. Scroll down to the Attribute Statements section to map user attributes:

    Name Name format Value Optional/Required
    UserId Unspecified user.login Required
    Email Unspecified Required
    FirstName Unspecified user.firstName Optional
    LastName Unspecified user.lastName Optional
  3. Click Next to proceed.

Step 6: Assign Users to the Application

  1. Go to the Assignments tab of the newly created application.
  2. Click Assign and select Assign to People or Assign to Groups.
  3. Choose the users or groups you want to assign and click Done.


It is assumed that the user is already mapped with the appropriate groups before being assigned to the application in Okta.

Step 7: Optional - Configure Group Attribute

  1. In the Sign On tab, scroll down to Group Attribute Statements.
  2. Add a group attribute statement to map user groups:

    Name Filter Type Filter Value Example Description
    Group Starts with Engineering Matches all groups starting with "Engineering".
    Contains Team Matches all groups containing the word "Team".
    Equals AdminGroup Matches only the group named "AdminGroup".
    Matches Regex ^(Engineering|Marketing|Sales).* Matches groups starting with "Engineering", "Marketing", or "Sales".
  3. Click Save to apply the group-based mapping.

Step 8: Feedback

  1. On the Feedback page, select I'm an Okta customer adding an internal app.
  2. Click Finish to complete the initial setup.
  1. Go to the Sign On tab of the newly created application.
  2. Scroll down to the Settings section.
  3. Click on Metadata URL to download the metadata XML file.
    This file will be used for configuring the SSO in Privacera Portal.
  4. Go to the General tab.
  5. Scroll down to the Embed Link section.
  6. Copy the Embed Link URL for the Identity Provider Url in Privacera Portal.

You have now successfully set up an Okta application for SAML SSO in the Okta console. This application is ready to be integrated with the Privacera Portal.

Configure Okta in your Privacera Account.

The steps to configure Okta integration in the Privacera Self-Managed (Portal).

Step 1: SSH into Privacera Instance

SSH into the instance where Privacera is installed.

Step 2: Navigate to Privacera Manager Directory

cd ~/privacera/privacera-manager

Step 3: Copy the saml Sample Configuration File

Copy the sample saml configuration file to the custom configuration directory.

cp config/sample-vars/vars.portal.saml.aad.yml config/custom-vars/

Step 4: Edit the Configuration File

Open the configuration file using a text editor and update the required fields.

vi config/custom-vars/vars.portal.saml.aad.yml

Uncomment and edit the following properties:

SAML_ENTITY_ID: "privacera_portal"
SAML_BASE_URL: "https://<your-privacera-host>:6868"
PORTAL_UI_SSO_URL: "saml/login"


If you have configured Group Attribute, uncomment and edit the following properties:


Step 5: Upload the renamed metadata XML file to Privacera

  1. Locate the metadata file downloaded in Step 9, (usually in your Downloads folder or the folder where you saved it).
  2. Rename the file to privacera-portal-aad-saml.xml

Step 6: Upload or Copy the File to Privacera Manager’s custom properties folder

Option 1: Using SCP (for Remote Servers)

  1. Open a terminal and run the following command to upload the file to the Privacera Manager’s custom properties folder:
    scp ./privacera-portal-aad-saml.xml user@<server-ip>:~/privacera/privacera-manager/config/custom-properties/
    Replace <server-ip> with your server’s IP address and user with your username.

Option 2: Copy-Paste Locally

  1. If the file is on the same server, move the privacera-portal-aad-saml.xml file to the home directory.

  2. Use the following command to copy it to the custom properties folder

    cp ./privacera-portal-aad-saml.xml ~/privacera/privacera-manager/config/custom-properties/
    Ensure the privacera-portal-aad-saml.xml file is in the correct directory before running the cp command.

Step 7: Update Privacera Manager

cd ~/privacera/privacera-manager/
./ update

Step 8: Optional - Restart Privacera Portal in an Azure Kubernetes Environment

If you are configuring SSL in an Azure Kubernetes environment, restart the Privacera Portal to apply the changes.

./ restart portal

Step 9: Optional - Role Mapping For Okta

Role mapping allows you to translate roles or groups from your Okta Identity Provider (IdP) into specific roles within Privacera. This ensures that users have the correct permissions and access when they log into Privacera.

What is Role Name Attributes?

This attribute in your Identity Provider (IdP) contains the user's roles or group information. It is used to identify the roles or groups the user belongs to in the IdP.

What is Role Mapping?

This configuration maps Identity Provider roles/groups to Privacera Portal roles. Matching roles are assigned to users; otherwise, the default role configured in the PORTAL_SSO_DEFAULT_USER_ROLE property in Privacera Manager is applied, or ROLE_USER if unspecified.


Assign Okta Identity Provider (IdP) roles or groups to Privacera Portal roles.

In Privacera, follow these steps to access the SAML Role mapping settings:

  1. Go to the Settings menu.
  2. Navigate to SSO Role Mapping.
  3. Click on SAML tab.

Reference image of Role Mapping form Privacera: Role Mapping


  • Mapped Privacera Role: ROLE_SYS_ADMIN
  • Identity Provider (IdP) Role or Group: saml_admin

In this example, if a user has the saml_admin role in Okta, they will be automatically assigned the ROLE_SYS_ADMIN role in Privacera.

Step 10: Verify SSO Login

Once the setup is complete, navigate to the Privacera Portal login page. You should see an SSO Login button. Use it to log in with your Okta credentials.

In Privacera, follow these steps to access the Single Sign-On settings:

  1. Go to the Settings menu.
  2. Navigate to Identity.
  3. Click on Single Sign-On.

Reference image from PrivaceraCloud for better guidance: Okta Application

Display Name Description Example Value Optional/Required
Entity Id Entity ID for SAML configuration privacera_portal Required
Identity Provider Url Identity Provider URL Required
Identity Provider Metadata Metadata (XML file) sso_saml_darth.xml Required
UserId UserName attribute for SAML user UserName Required
Email Email attribute for SAML user Email Required
FirstName FirstName attribute for SAML user FirstName Optional
LastName LastName attribute for SAML user LastName Optional


  • Entity ID: Used to configure the Identity Provider (IdP).
  • Identity Provider URL: The URL obtained in Step 9, where users will be redirected for SSO login.
  • Identity Provider Metadata: Use the Metadata XML file downloaded in Step 9 for seamless SSO configuration.
  • User Attributes: Ensure that the correct user attributes (UserId, Email, FirstName, LastName) are mapped from Okta to Privacera.

These variables ensure seamless integration between Okta and Privacera for SAML-SSO.

Role Mapping For Okta

Role mapping allows you to translate roles or groups from your Identity Provider (IdP) — such as Okta, Ping Identity, OneLogin, etc. — into specific roles within Privacera. This is crucial for ensuring that users have the correct permissions and access when they log into Privacera.

What is Role Name Attributes?

This attribute in your Identity Provider (IdP) contains the user’s roles or group information. It identifies the roles or groups the user belongs to in the Identity Provider (IdP).

What is Role Mapping?

This configuration maps roles or groups from the Identity Provider (IdP) to corresponding roles in Privacera.If a specific role from the IdP matches a role defined in the role mapping configuration, that role is assigned to the user in Privacera. If no mapping is defined, the default role, ROLE_USER, is automatically assigned to the user.

Variable Name Description Example
Role Name Attribute Role name attributes for user. department
Role Mapping Role mapping for user. Identity Provider (IdP) Role: example_role → Example Role: ACCOUNT_ROLE

Reference image of Role Mapping form PrivaceraCloud: Role Mapping


  • Identity Provider (IdP) Role or Group: okta_role_admin
  • Mapped Privacera Role: ACCOUNT_ADMIN

In this example, if a user has the role okta_role_admin in Okta, they will automatically be assigned the ACCOUNT_ADMIN role in Privacera.


New Users:
Role mapping applies only to newly created users after the mapping has been configured.

By properly configuring role mapping, you ensure that users are granted appropriate access levels within Privacera based on their roles or group memberships from the Identity Provider (IdP). This simplifies user management and ensures seamless integration with your organization’s existing identity infrastructure.

Once the configuration is complete, you can test the setup by attempting to log in to PrivaceraCloud using your Okta credentials. This will help verify that the Single Sign-On (SSO) integration is working correctly.
