Realtime Scanning
Realtime Scan¶
By default, Privacera Discovery scans resources that are added to an application (realtime scanning). When a parent resource entry is added to the Include Resource tab of the Data Source page, any changes to that resource is monitored such as a file being added to a folder or table being added within a database. On detection of those events, a real time scan is initiated on newly added resource.
To scan the resource in realtime, the application should be enabled and resource should be added to the Include Resource tab in the application.
Realtime scan is supported on the following datasources:
Table 76. Supported Datasources for Realtime Scan
Application | Cloud |
S3 | AWS |
ADLS | Azure |
Google Cloud Storage and Google BigQuery | GCP |
Make sure following prerequisites are met for supporting realtime scan:
Application is configured, and a successful test connection has been established.
Ensure that the Enable Real-Time toggle is enabled under APPLICATION PROPERTIES at the time of application configuration.
Make sure Realtime configuration is done on respective (AWS, AZURE or GCP) console depending on the cloud environment.
Procedure for Enabling Realtime Scan¶
Go to Discovery > Data Sources.
From the Applications list, select the application.
Click ADD.
For GBQ application, add values for Dataset Name and Table Name fields.
Add ***** in Table Name field for real scan of any tables added or modified in the given Dataset.
For file system, add folder as a Resource.
Ensure the value for the Scan Type field is set as Scan
Click SAVE.
Go to Cloud console and upload a file in folder which added as a resource in preceding step.
Under Diagnostics > Health Check > Kafka/Kinesis or Pub/Sub topics , check for audit consumption in the following kafka topics:
For S3:
For GCS:
privacera_audits_{DEPLOYMENT_ENV_NAME} belongs to privacera_googlecloud_audits_group_{DEPLOYMENT_ENV_NAME}
For GBQ:
privacera_audits_{DEPLOYMENT_ENV_NAME} belongs to privacera_googlebigquery_audits_group_{DEPLOYMENT_ENV_NAME}
Check scan entry of uploaded file in resource under Scan Summary Report with Realtime scan as a reason.
Check for the Classifications for that Scanned Resource.