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You should follow the instructions on this page if you are installing PrivaceraCloud Data-plane. You should have successfully done the Self Managed before proceeding with the instructions on this page.

As part of setting up PrivaceraCloud Data-plane, after you have done the Self Managed, continue with the instructions on this page. At a high level this involves configuring the PrivaceraCloud Portal and the Privacera Manager as follows,

  1. Configuration on PrivaceraCloud Portal and download an artifact.
  2. Configuration in Privacera Manager using the artifact downloaded from the PrivaceraCloud Portal.
  3. Run Privacera Manager to generate an artifact and upload it to the PrivaceraCloud Portal.


You need the following information to configure PrivaceraCloud Data-plane:

  1. Administration access to the PrivaceraCloud Portal.
  2. Access to the Privacera Manager installation host.
  3. Ensure that you have worked with your Privacera sales representative to enable the Data Plane feature in your PrivaceraCloud account.

Configuration on PrivaceraCloud Portal

Here are the different configurations you need to do on the PrivaceraCloud Portal, click on the links to get more details on each configuration step.

# Required for Configuration Step Description
1 Access, Discovery Create Access service user, Ranger Admin URL and API key Create a an Access service user in your PrivaceraCloud account which will be used by the Privacera Access connectors in the Data-plane to connect to your PrivaceraCloud account.
Note these as RANGER_ADMIN_URL, RANGER_SERVICE_USERNAME, RANGER_SERVICE_PASSWORD and API_KEY which will be used in Privacera Manager configuration.
2 Access Enable the Ranger Service Definitions for Access Connectors If you know which Privacera Access connectors you are going to use, then do this step or wait till Connector on-boarding.
3 Encryption Enable Privacera Encryption module Required for Privacera Encryption else skip.
Download the from PrivaceraCloud portal which is used in Privacera Manager configuration.
4 Discovery Create Ranger Service user for Discovery Compliance policies Required for Privacera Discovery Compliance policies, else skip. Also, requires Privacera Encryption to be enabled.
Note the credentials which will be used in Privacera Manager configuration.

Create Ranger service user, Admin URL and API key

Create Ranger service user, Admin URL and API key

Perform following steps in the PrivaceraCloud control plane portal:

  1. Log in to PrivaceraCloud Portal.

  2. Perform following steps to create Ranger Admin Username and Password:

    1. Go to Access Management > Users/Groups/Roles.

    2. Click ADD to create a new user.

    3. Under Add User , provide values in the following fields:

      • User Name : Provide value for the user name. Privacera suggests to use ranger_dataplane_user as a user name value.

      • First Name : Provide value for the first name. Privacera suggests to use ranger_dataplane_user as a first name value.

      • Role : Select Admin from the drop-down list.

      • New Password : Provide a strong password

      • Confirm Password : Provide the same value as provided in the preceding step.


      Make a note of values provided in the User Name and New Password fields. These values are needed as a RANGER_SERVICE_USERNAME and RANGER_SERVICE_PASSWORD in the Privacera Manager configuration.

    4. Click SAVE.

  3. Generate and copy the Ranger Admin URL and API key for use by data plane, see Generate Ranger Admin URL and API Key for more instructions.


Make a note of the RANGER_ADMIN_URL and API_KEY values. These values are needed in the Privacera Manager configuration.

Enable the Ranger Service Definitions for Access Connectors

Enable the Ranger Service Definitions for Access Connectors

Activate the Access data-source applications by enabling and disabling them for the first time as follows:

This step is needed to activate the third-party application such as, Vertica, Databricks in PrivaceraCloud portal.

You can skip this step if the third-party application is already activated in the PrivaceraCloud portal. Go to Settings > Application. If the third- party application is visible in the Connected Applications list that means the application is already activated.

  1. Go to Settings > Applications.

    1. In the Applications section, select the application you wish to connect. If you don’t see the application you wish to connect, contact Privacera Support. For example, If you are planning to use Vertica application, then select Vertica.

    2. Enter the application name and description in the Name and Description fields respectively.

    3. Click the toggle button to enable Access Management for the application.

    4. Since the application will be disabled in the subsequent steps, therefore temporarily input dummy placeholder values into the mandatory fields and then click SAVE to activate the application.

    5. Select the same application that you enabled in the preceding step. Click the edit icon.

    6. Click the toggle button to disable Access Management for the application.


    Do not disable application if it is one of the following applications for which access is managed by DataServer: Databricks (OLAC), EMR (OLAC), S3, Athena, DynamoDB, Glue, Kinesis, Lambda or Textract

    1. Click SAVE to disable the application.
  2. Click Access Management > Resource Policies.

    1. Click the edit icon of newly added Application.

    2. Click the Active Status to enable Access Management for the application.

    3. Click SAVE.

Enable Privacera Encryption module

Enable Privacera Encryption module
  1. Go to Settings > Account > Encryption Settings. Click ENABLE.

  2. Under BASIC tab, enter the value for the Secret field. Click SAVE.


    Make a note of the Secret value, as it will be necessary to use the same value when enabling PEG in the data plane for the SCHEME_SERVER_SHARED_SECRET property.

  3. Download Distributed Data Plane configuration from PrivaceraCloud:

    1. Go to Settings > Account.

    2. Under Distributed Data Plane , click DOWNLOAD.


      If you do not see the Distributed Data Plane option under Account , contact [Privacera Support]((../../../../resources/support/ to enable Distributed Data Plane.

    3. Download the from PrivaceraCloud portal which is used in Privacera Manager configuration.

  4. Create System Generated Schemes:


    This step is optional and required only if the user wants to configure Encryption on Discovery Compliance policies.

    1. Go to Encryption & Masking > ENCRYPTION.


    3. Confirm generation by clicking Yes in the Confirm Create pop up.

    You can see the System schemes generated on the user interface.

Create Ranger Service user for Discovery Compliance policies

Create Ranger Service user for Discovery Compliance policies


This step is optional and required only if the user wants to configure Encryption on Discovery Compliance policies.

  1. Go to Access Management > User/Groups/Roles.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Under Add User , provide values in the following fields:

    1. User Name : Provide value for the user name. Privacera suggests to use privacera_service_discovery as a user name value.

    2. First Name : Provide value for the first name. Privacera suggests to use privacera_service_discovery as a first name value.

    3. Role : Select USER from the drop-down list.

    4. New Password : Provide value for the password.


      Remember the password value provided, as it will be used in the Discovery configuration later.

    5. Confirm Password : Provide the same value as provided in the preceding step.

  4. Click SAVE. A new user has been created.

  5. Go to Access Management > Scheme Policies.

  6. Click on the privacera_peg service.

  7. Locate the all - encryption-scheme, presentation-scheme policy and Click the edit icon to edit it.

  8. Under Allow Conditions , add privacera_service_discovery user in the Select User field which has user permissions: Protect, Unprotect, Get Scheme, Impersonate

  9. Click Save.

Configuration in Privacera Manager

Make sure you have done the configuration on the PrivaceraCloud Portal as given above, and have these handy,

  • file

Run the following commands,

# Download the from PrivaceraCloud Portal 
# in 'Configuration on PrivaceraCloud Portal - step 3' above

# Upload the to Privacera Manager host and copy 
# to `~/privacera-manager/config/custom-vars/`
# Confirm it's presence by running `
ls -l ~/privacera-manager/config/custom-vars/

vars.privacera-cloud.yml file

# Copy the sample vars.privacera-cloud.yml file from sample-vars folder
cd ~/privacera/privacera-manager
cp -n config/sample-vars/vars.privacera-cloud.yml config/custom-vars/

# Edit the file
cd ~/privacera/privacera-manager
vi config/custom-vars/vars.privacera-cloud.yml
# Edit the file as follows,

# Obtain the Ranger Admin URL, API Key, Ranger service 
# username, password from 
# 'Configuration on PrivaceraCloud Portal -step #1' above. 
# Set the base URL, that is the host name, to this variable as follows

# Example - if the Ranger Admin URL is of this format - 
# then 
# set the variable to



# Set these variables to false as these are running in PrivaceraCloud

# Set these variables to true, if you plan to use 
# Privacera Discovery in Data Plane
#SOLR_ENABLE: "true"
# Else set them to false, if you are not going to use 
# Privacera Discovery in Data Plane
SOLR_ENABLE: "false"

vars.ssl.yml file

# Edit the vars.ssl.yml file
vi config/custom-vars/vars.ssl.yml
# Add or edit the following variable

Upload artifact to PrivaceraCloud Portal

Now that you have done all the configuration, you can run Privacera Manager by using the steps given in the Using Privacera Manager section.

At this point, since no connectors or optional modules are configured, you can skip the step.

After the Privacera Manager is successfully run, you will have to copy the generated artifact to the PrivaceraCloud Portal, using following steps.

cd ~/privacera/privacera-manager/config/ssl
cat d2p_rsa_public_key.pem
Copy the contents of the d2p_rsa_public_key.pem file and paste it in the PrivaceraCloud Portal as follows.

  1. Log into your PrivaceraCloud account as an administrator.
  2. Go to Settings > Account
  3. In the Distributed Data Plane section, under the Public Key, click ADD button.
  4. Paste the contents of the d2p_rsa_public_key.pem file in the text box, and click on SAVE.

Next steps

Depending upon your deployment type and choice of Privacera modules , you can proceed to the next steps.
