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  • To login to database(mariadb) pod run
mysql -u <user> -p<password>
  • To verify ops-server database i.e. privacera_ops_db is present or not run
show databases;
  • To verify tables are present in privacera_ops_db run
use privacera_ops_db;
show tables;
  • To verify connector applications created on portal are present in table run

    select * from f_connector;

  • To verify that connector applications deleted from the portal are also deleted from the database, unique values such as name or ID can be used.

select * from f_connector where name=instance1
select * from f_connector where id=1

How to Get the Latest Configuration of a Connector from the Ops Server

Note: You will need to replace placeholders like with the appropriate values based on your setup.

Step 1: Create a JWT Token

  1. Log in to the Self-Managed Portal using an account with Admin Role.
  2. Navigate to Settings → Token Management.
  3. Click on Generate Token to open the token creation popup.
  4. In the form that appears, fill in the following details:
    • User: Select the admin user you are logged in as.
    • Token Name: Enter a name for the token (e.g., MyToken).
    • Scope: Select Sync Status.
    • Expiry: Choose the token's expiration date.
  5. Click Generate Token to save the token.
  6. Copy the generated JWT token. Important: Once the popup is closed, you won’t be able to copy the token again.

Step 2: Form the OPS_SERVER_URL

  1. Use the following URL template: https://ops-server-.

  2. Replace:

    • with your deployment environment name (e.g., prod, dev, or staging).
    • with your domain name (e.g.,

Step 3: Identify the Connector Name

The CONNECTOR_NAME is the name you used when creating the connector. For example:

  • As per below screenshot connector is named prod, your CONNECTOR_NAME will be prod. Connector Name

Step 4: Use the Command to Fetch the Configuration

  1. Replace the placeholders in the command below with:
  2. : Paste the JWT token you copied earlier.
  3. : Use the URL you formed in Step 2.
  4. : Use the connector name from Step 3.

  5. Run the following command:

```sql export JWT_TOKEN="" export OPS_SERVER_URL="" export CONNECTOR_NAME=""

curl -k --location --request GET "\({OPS_SERVER_URL}/api/connector?name=\)" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --header "Authorization: Bearer ${JWT_TOKEN}" ```
