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Troubleshooting for Access Management for Databricks all-purpose compute clusters with Object-Level Access Control (OLAC)

Steps to get installation logs and versoin file:

Here are the steps to get Installation logs and Privacera plugin version files from DBFS:

  • The Privacera init script will generate two files in DBFS at the location dbfs:/privacera/cluster-logs/<CLUSTER_NAME>/
  • Commands to list files from dbfs location using Databricks CLI

    databricks fs ls dbfs:/privacera/cluster-logs/<CLUSTER_NAME>/

    • Folder will have two files
      • privacera.out : Installation log
      • privacera_version.txt : Privacera plugin version details.
  • Command to get files on local:

    databricks fs cp --recursive dbfs:/privacera/cluster-logs/<CLUSTER_NAME>/ .
