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Key Features and Benefits

Scanning and Classification

Privacera Discovery employs a variety of techniques to identify and classify sensitive information:

  • Pattern Matching with Regular Expressions: Utilizes regular expressions to detect patterns associated with sensitive data.
  • Dictionaries: Uses whitelists or blacklists to look up data.
  • Heuristics: Analyzes data content and context, such as table or column names, to identify sensitive information.

Reviewing Classifications

You can review and update the classifications generated by the scanners. This allows you to fine-tune the results and ensure the accuracy of the detected sensitive information.

Implementing Policies

Based on the reviewed classifications, you can implement policies to protect sensitive data. For example, you can create policies to mask or transform sensitive fields like SSNs or credit card numbers for non-privileged users.

Data Zones

Grouping data sources into administrative data zones allows for easier maintenance and control. Ownership and management of these zones can be delegated to specific organizational groups within your enterprise.


Privacera Discovery offers a variety of reports to aggregate, summarize, and drill down into the classification results across the entire collection of data assets.
