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Advanced Configuration for Entra ID (AAD) UserSync Connector

Entra ID (AAD) UserSync connector properties

AAD Connector Information

Property Description Example
AZURE_AD_CONNECTOR Name of the connector. AAD1
AZURE_AD_ENABLED Enabled status of connector. (true/false) true
AZURE_AD_DATASOURCE_NAME Name of the datasource.
AZURE_AD_SYNC_INTERVAL Frequency of UserSync pulls and audit records in seconds. Default value is 3600, minimum value is 300. 3600

Entra ID Info : (Get the following information from Azure Portal)

Property Description Example
AZURE_AD_TENANT_ID Azure Active Directory Id (Tenant ID) 1a2b3c4d-azyd-4755-9638-e12xa34p56le
AZURE_AD_CLIENT_ID Azure Active Directory application client ID which will be used for accessing Microsoft Graph API. 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111
AZURE_AD_CLIENT_SECRET Azure Active Directory application client secret which will be used for accessing Microsoft Graph API. 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111

Manage/Ignore List of Users/Groups

Property Description Example
AZURE_AD_MANAGE_USER_LIST List of users to manage from sync results. If this list is defined, all users not on this list will be ignored. user1,user2,user5*
AZURE_AD_IGNORE_USER_LIST List of users to ignore from sync results. If this list is defined, all users on this list will be ignored. user3,user4,user6*
AZURE_AD_MANAGE_GROUP_LIST List of groups to manage from sync results. If this list is defined, all groups not on this list will be ignored. group1,group2,group5*
AZURE_AD_IGNORE_GROUP_LIST List of groups to ignore from sync results. If this list is defined, all groups on this list will be ignored. group3,group4,group6*
AZURE_AD_FILTER_USER_LIST Server side filter to apply to users. Not compatible with incremental search. eq;user1, sw;user
AZURE_AD_FILTER_GROUP_LIST Server side filter to apply to groups. Not compatible with incremental search. wq;group1,group2, sw;group
AZURE_AD_FILTER_SERVICEPRINCIPAL_LIST Server side filter to apply to service principals. Not compatible with incremental search. eq;serviceprincipal1, sw;serviceprincipal
AZURE_AD_MANAGE_DOMAIN_LIST Only users in manage domain list will be synced.
AZURE_AD_IGNORE_DOMAIN_LIST Users in ignore domain list will be ignored.
AZURE_AD_DOMAIN_ATTRIBUTE Specify the attribute from which you want to compare user domain, email or username are supported. Default is email. username
Property Description Example
AZURE_AD_SEARCH_SCOPE Graph API search scope
AZURE_AD_SEARCH_USER_GROUPONLY Syncs users who are members of synced groups. false
AZURE_AD_SEARCH_INCREMENTAL_ENABLED Enables incremental search. false
AZURE_AD_SEARCH_DETECT_DELETED_USERS_GROUPS Detects deleted users and groups. false
AZURE_AD_SEARCH_DETECT_DELETED_USERS Override setting for user deleted search. Default value is {{AZURE_AD_SEARCH_DETECT_DELETED_USERS_GROUPS}}. false
AZURE_AD_SEARCH_DETECT_DELETED_GROUPS Override setting for group deleted search. Default value is {{AZURE_AD_SEARCH_DETECT_DELETED_USERS_GROUPS}}. false
AZURE_AD_SEARCH_CYCLES_BETWEEN_DELETED_DETECTION Number of cycles between attempts to detect deleted groups. Only used when deleted users and groups detection is enabled in the AAD connector (see above properties). Default value is 6. 10

Entra ID (AAD) Service Principal

Note: If Sync Service Principals as Users is enabled, AAD does not require that displayName of a Service Principal be a unique value. In this case a different attribute (such as appId) should be used as the Service Principal Username.

Property Description Example
AZURE_AD_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_ENABLED Enables sync of service principal as a user. false
AZURE_AD_SERVICEPRINCIPAL_USERNAME Username attribute of the service principal. displayName

Entra ID (AAD) User/Group Attributes

Property Description Example
AZURE_AD_ATTRIBUTE_USERNAME Username attribute of the user. userPrincipalName
AZURE_AD_ATTRIBUTE_FIRSTNAME First name attribute of the user. givenName
AZURE_AD_ATTRIBUTE_LASTNAME Last name attribute of the user. surname
AZURE_AD_ATTRIBUTE_EMAIL Email attribute of the user. userPrincipalName
AZURE_AD_ATTRIBUTE_GROUPNAME Group name attribute of the group. displayName
AZURE_AD_SERVICEPRINCIPAL_USERNAME Username attribute of the service principal. displayName

Username/Group name Attribute Modification

Property Description Example
AZURE_AD_ATTRIBUTE_USERNAME_VALUE_EXTRACTFROMEMAIL Extract username from an email address. (e.g. -> username) Default is false. false
AZURE_AD_ATTRIBUTE_USERNAME_VALUE_PREFIX Prefix to add to the username. prefix_
AZURE_AD_ATTRIBUTE_USERNAME_VALUE_POSTFIX Postfix to add to the username. _postfix
AZURE_AD_ATTRIBUTE_USERNAME_VALUE_TOLOWER Converts the username to lowercase. false
AZURE_AD_ATTRIBUTE_USERNAME_VALUE_TOUPPER Converts the username to uppercase. false
AZURE_AD_ATTRIBUTE_USERNAME_VALUE_REGEX Regular expression to apply to the username. s/ch/AAA/g
AZURE_AD_ATTRIBUTE_GROUPNAME_VALUE_PREFIX Prefix to add to the group name. prefix_
AZURE_AD_ATTRIBUTE_GROUPNAME_VALUE_POSTFIX Postfix to add to the group name. _postfix
AZURE_AD_ATTRIBUTE_GROUPNAME_VALUE_TOLOWER Converts the group name to lowercase. false
AZURE_AD_ATTRIBUTE_GROUPNAME_VALUE_TOUPPER Converts the group name to uppercase. false
AZURE_AD_ATTRIBUTE_GROUPNAME_VALUE_REGEX Regular expression to apply to the group name. s/ch/AAA/g

Custom Attribute Configuration

Property Description Example
AZURE_AD_ATTRIBUTE_LIST List of user attributes to sync. description,mail
AZURE_AD_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_PREFIX Prefix to add to the user attribute value. prefix_
AZURE_AD_ATTRIBUTE_KEY_PREFIX Prefix to add to the user attribute key. prefix_
AZURE_AD_GROUP_ATTRIBUTE_LIST List of group attributes to sync. description,mail
AZURE_AD_GROUP_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_PREFIX Prefix to add to the group attribute value. prefix_
AZURE_AD_GROUP_ATTRIBUTE_KEY_PREFIX Prefix to add to the group attribute key. prefix_

UserSync system properties on Privacera Self-Managed and Data Plane

UserSync property Description Property Default
PRIVACERA_USERSYNC_RANGER_URL Address of Ranger instance. ranger.url http://ranger:6080
PRIVACERA_USERSYNC_RANGER_USERNAME Username of Ranger user. ranger.username admin
PRIVACERA_USERSYNC_RANGER_PASSWORD Password of Ranger user. ranger.password admin
PRIVACERA_USERSYNC_CONTEXT_CLASS Implementation class used for USContext. Storage of synced Users and Groups. usersync.context.class com.privacera.usersync.context.USContextRocksDBOptions: com.privacera.usersync.context.USContextRocksDB com.privacera.usersync.context.USContextMemory
PRIVACERA_USERSYNC_CONTEXT_DATASOURCE_PRIORITY_LIST Priority list of configured datasources. Sources nearest the beginning of the list will be used over sources later in the list. usersync.context.datasource.priority.list
PRIVACERA_USERSYNC_DETECT_CACHE_DIFFERENCES_ENABLED To enable the cache synchronization. While UserSync reads data from an IdP, for performance, the incoming user data is kept in cache and periodically compared to user data already synced to the Privacera portal. From cache, UserSync pushes user data from the IdP that has been reconciled with the Privacera portal to the connected applications. usersync.detect.DifferencesBetweenCacheAndRangerForUserAndGroup.enabled true
PRIVACERA_USERSYNC_DETECT_CACHE_INTERVAL_SECONDS Frequency of cache synchronization in seconds. usersync.detect.DifferencesBetweenCacheAndRangerForUserAndGroup.intervalInSeconds 43200
PRIVACERA_USERSYNC_LOADER_BULK_ENABLED Load users to Portal in batches. usersync.user.loader.bulk.enabled true
PRIVACERA_USERSYNC_LOADER_BULK_BATCHSIZE Size of batches to load Users into Portal. usersync.user.loader.bulk.batchsize 100
PRIVACERA_USERSYNC_UPDATE_GROUP_MEMBERSHIPS_BATCH_ENABLE Load group memberships to Portal in batches. false
PRIVACERA_USERSYNC_UPDATE_GROUP_MEMBERSHIPS_BATCHSIZE Size of batches to load Group memberships into Portal. 1000
PRIVACERA_USERSYNC_STARTUP_PERFORM_OPERATIONS_ENABLED Scan for and perform any pending operations in cache (User/Group objects) at service start-up. usersync.startup.performoperations.enabled true
PRIVACERA_USERSYNC_LOADER_PROCESS_THREAD_MIN Minimum threads for processing user/group updates (<=0 will use a cached thread pool). usersync.user.loader.process.thread.min 1
PRIVACERA_USERSYNC_LOADER_PROCESS_THREAD_MAX Maximum threads for processing user/group updates (if min is <= 0, this has no effect). usersync.user.loader.process.thread.max 1
PRIVACERA_USERSYNC_LOADER_PROCESS_THREAD_KEEPALIVE_SECONDS Keep alive time for threads processing user/group updates. usersync.user.loader.process.thread.keepalive.seconds 30
PRIVACERA_USERSYNC_SECRETS_FILE JCEKS KeyStore File Paths privacera.usersync.keystore.files
PRIVACERA_USERSYNC_SECRETS_KEYSTORE_PASSWORDS JCEKS KeyStore Files Passwords privacera.usersync.keystore.passwords
PRIVACERA_USERSYNC_AUTH_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD SSL Truststore password ssl.truststore.password
PRIVACERA_USERSYNC_RANGER_INIT_RETRY_INTERVAL_IN_MILLIS Delay in milliseconds between retry attempts for initializing Ranger user loader. 30000
PRIVACERA_USERSYNC_RANGER_INIT_RETRY_LIMIT Maximum retry attempts for initializing Ranger user loader. (<0 indicates unlimited retries) usersync.user.loader.ranger.init.retrylimit -1
PRIVACERA_USERSYNC_RANGER_REQUEST_RETRY_INTERVAL_IN_MILLIS Delay in milliseconds between retry attempts for requests to Ranger 10000
PRIVACERA_USERSYNC_RANGER_REQUEST_RETRY_LIMIT Maximum retry attempts for requests to Ranger ranger.request.retrylimit 3
PRIVACERA_USERSYNC_UPDATE_GROUP_MEMBERSHIPS_BULK_ENABLED Enable bulk update of group memberships to Ranger true
PRIVACERA_USERSYNC_CONTEXT_OPEN_MAX_RETRY Maximum retry attempts to open RocksDB cache 5
PRIVACERA_USERSYNC_CONTEXT_OPEN_DESTROY_ON_FAIL Enable automatic destroy of RocksDB cache if unable to open (corrupted). Cache will be rebuilt. true
PRIVACERA_USERSYNC_API_SECURITY_USER_NAME If configured, Usersync REST APIs are available with basic auth.
PRIVACERA_USERSYNC_API_SECURITY_USER_PASSWORD If configured, Usersync REST APIs are available with basic auth.
PRIVACERA_USERSYNC_LOADER_ASSIGN_ROLE_PRIORITY_LIST Priority list of roles if a user has multiple roles mapped. Highest priority role will be applied to the user. usersync.user.loader.assign.role.priority.list ROLE_SYS_ADMIN,ROLE_ADMIN_AUDITOR
PRIVACERA_USERSYNC_LOADER_ASSIGN_SYS_ADMIN_ROLE_GROUP_LIST Provide a list of group names, whose members will be assigned the admin role.
PRIVACERA_USERSYNC_LOADER_ASSIGN_SYS_ADMIN_ROLE_USER_LIST Provide a list of user names, who will be assigned the admin role. usersync.user.loader.assign.role.ROLE_SYS_ADMIN.user.list
PRIVACERA_USERSYNC_LOADER_ASSIGN_AUDITOR_ROLE_GROUP_LIST Provide a list of group names, whose members will be assigned the auditor role.
PRIVACERA_USERSYNC_LOADER_ASSIGN_AUDITOR_ROLE_USER_LIST Provide a list of user names, who will be assigned the auditor role. usersync.user.loader.assign.role.ROLE_ADMIN_AUDITOR.user.list

Entra ID (AAD) fields for UserSync on PrivaceraCloud

These are descriptions of fields for configuring PrivaceraCloud UserSync for Entra ID (AAD).

Add Connector

Field name Description
Enable Connector Enable or disable this connector.
Service Type AAD
Name Identifying name of this connector.

Configure Connector

Field name Description Tab in application set-up
Tenant ID Tenant ID Basic
Client ID Application Client ID Basic
Client Secret Application Client Secret Basic
Group Only Sync only users that are members of groups. Allowable values: true or false Advanced
Attribute Only Sync only users that have the specified attribute. Advanced
Incremental Enable incremental search. Syncing only changes since last search. Allowable values: true or false Advanced
Service Principals as Users Enable sync of service principals as a User. Allowable values: true or false Default: false Advanced
Search Deleted User Enable detection of deleted users. Allowable values: true or false Advanced
Search Deleted Group Enable detection of deleted groups. Allowable values: true or false Advanced
Sync Interval Interval in minutes between syncs. Default value is 60. Advanced
Add Custom Properties Custom properties to pass to the connector. Advanced

Configure Filters

Field name Description Tab in application set-up
Include Users List of users to include from sync results. If this list is defined, all users not on this list are ignored. Basic
Include Groups List of groups to include from sync results. If this list is defined, all groups not on this list are ignored. Basic
Include Users by Domain Include users by domain. If this list is defined, all users who are not a member of domains in this list are ignored. Basic
Exclude Users List of users to ignore from sync results. Basic
Exclude Groups List of groups to ignore from sync results. Basic
Exclude Users by Domain Exclude users by domain. If this list is defined, all users who are a member of domains in this list are ignored. Basic

Base Attributes

Field name Description Tab in application set-up
Username Attribute of a user’s username. Default: userPrincipalName. Basic
First Name Attribute of a user’s first name. Default: givenName. Basic
Last Name Attribute of a user’s last name. Default: surname. Basic
Email Attribute of a user’s email. Default: userPrincipalName. Basic
Group Name Attribute of a group’s name. Default: displayName. Basic
Group Members Attribute listing a group’s members. Default: . Basic
Service Principal Username Attribute of service principal name. Default: displayName Basic
Extract From Email Extract the attribute from an email address. Example: extracts username. Default: false Advanced
Prefix Prefix to prepend to the attribute value. No default. Advanced
Postfix Postfix to append to the attribute value. No default. Advanced
To Lowercase Convert the attribute value to lowercase. Default: false Advanced
To Uppercase Convert the attribute value to uppercase. Default: false Advanced
Regex Apply regex to attribute value. No default. Advanced

Custom User Attributes

Field name Description Tab in application set-up
Attribute Name Attribute key to sync with user. Basic

Custom Group Attributes

Field name Description Tab in application set-up
Attribute Name Attribute key to sync with group. Basic
