Enable FGAC and OLAC Plugins in EMR Serverless

To enable both Fine-Grained Access Control (FGAC) and Object-Level Access Control (OLAC) in an EMR Serverless, follow these steps:

  1. SSH into the instance where Privacera Manager is installed

  2. Run the post-install process, as no changes are required to enable OLAC_FGAC for EMR Serverless.

    cd ~/privaera/privacera-manager
    ./privacera-manager.sh post-install

  3. Once the post-install is complete, DockerFile and required configuration files will be available at the following path:

    cd ~/privaera/privacera-manager/output/emr-serverless/olac_fgac

  4. Create the docker image and push it to the AWS ECR. Refer to the Create docker image section for more details.

  5. Update the EMR Serverless application with the Docker image created in the previous step Refer to the Create application section for more details.

  6. Save the application configuration. Now, you can start the EMR Serverless application.
