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PrivaceraCloud Documentation

Manually Setup Security Configurations

  1. Login to AWS Console and navigate to EMR Console > Security Configuration (from left panel) > Create New Security Configuration.

  2. Enter the Security Configuration name. E.g. EMR_NATIVE_WITH_PLCOUD

  3. Navigate to Authentication section and select Enable Kerberos authentication checkbox and enter the Kerberos environment details.

  4. Under the Authorization section, select Enable integration with Apache Ranger for fine-grained access control and enter the details as below.

  5. IAM role for Apache Ranger: “EMR_RS_DATA_ACCESS_ROLE” (Created during IAM Roles setup).

  6. IAM role for other AWS Services: “EMR_RS_USER_ACCESS_ROLE” (Created during IAM Roles setup.

  7. Ranger Policy Manager: Go to your PCloud Account > Settings > ApiKey > AWS EMR Native Ranger > Ranger Admin mTLS URL > click Copy URL and add it in this section.

  8. Admin PEM secret: Choose ranger-admin-pub-cert using drop-down.

  9. EMRFS client PEM secret: Choose ranger-plugin-key-cert using drop-down.

  10. EMRFS policy repository: privacera_emrfs_s3

  11. Spark configurations: Select this option, if want to enable Spark Application.

  12. Spark client PEM secret: Choose ranger-plugin-key-cert using drop-down.

  13. Spark policy repository: privacera_hive 10. Hive configurations: Select this option, if want to enable Hive Application.

  14. Hive client PEM secret: Choose ranger-plugin-key-cert using drop-down.

  15. Hive policy repository: privacera_hive

  16. CloudWatch Log Group: Select a CloudWatch log group for pushing audits if required. Note: The “EMR_RS_DATA_ACCESS_ROLE” should have permissions to create and PutLogEvents in this log group(this has been configured during IAM roles setup).