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PrivaceraCloud Documentation

Databricks SQL Encryption


The following steps enable use of Privacera encryption services in a Databricks SQL notebook:

  • Create a secret shared by Privacera Encryption Gateway (PEG) and Databricks.

  • Create Resource Policies in Privacera for data access to Databricks SQL resources.

  • Create Privacera encryption and decryption User-Defined Functions (UDFs) in Databricks.

For more information about Privacera encryption schemes, see the Privacera Encryption Guide.


Grant permission in encryption scheme policy

To use Databricks SQL encryption, you must create a scheme policy for a user that will use the Databricks UDF. This scheme policy must grant the getSchemes permission. See Create Scheme Policies on PrivaceraCloud to learn more.

Configure Databricks

Create Databricks secrets

With the Databricks CLI:

  1. Create a secret scope called privaceracloud:

    databricks secrets create-scope --scope privaceracloud
  2. Add secrets to this scope:

    • peg_username, peg_password, and peg_secret are literals and should be entered exactly as shown.

    • The <username>, <password>, and <sharedsecret> values below are the same as what you entered in PrivaceraCloud when adding the PEG service. See API Key to learn more.

      databricks secrets put --scope privaceracloud --key peg_username --string-value <username>
      databricks secrets put --scope privaceracloud --key peg_password --string-value <password> 
      databricks secrets put --scope privaceracloud --key peg_secret --string-value <sharedsecret>
Add Privacera environment variables to Databricks cluster

Add the following environment variables in your Databricks cluster:



Note that there can be existing environment variables. Do not remove these.

Image 220070
Create Privacera protect and unprotect User-Defined Functions (UDFs)

First log into Databricks, create a notebook, and set the language to SQL.

Run the following SQL commands in Databricks to create UDFs for Privacera encryption services, named protect and unprotect.


com.privacera.crypto functions enable use of encryption schemes, but do not accept presentation schemes.

  • Create Privacera protect UDF:

    create database if not exists privacera;
    use privacera;
    drop function if exists privacera.protect;
    CREATE FUNCTION privacera.protect AS com.privacera.crypto.PrivaceraEncryptUDF'
  • Create Privacera unprotect UDF:

    use privacera;
    drop function if exists privacera.unprotect;
    CREATE FUNCTION privacera.unprotect AS com.privacera.crypto.PrivaceraDecryptUDF'

Configure Privacera resource policies

Databricks SQL resources are managed under Access Manager > Resource Policies > privacera_hive.

To add resource policies to allow access to selected resources:

  1. Create a policy to give data access users, groups, or roles the select privilege to target database resources. On the Add Policy page, under Allow Conditions use Select Role, Select Group and/or Select User then under Permissions choose select.

    For example:

    Image 220071
  2. Create a policy to grant data access users, groups, or roles the select privilege to the protect and unprotect UDFs. On the Add Policy page, under Allow Conditions use Select Role, Select Group and/or Select User then under Permissions choose select.

    For example:

    Image 220072

How to use UDFs in SQL to encrypt and decrypt

The following are SQL command examples for privacera.protect (encrypt) and privacera.unprotect (decrypt) UDFs:

select privacera.protect(<COLNAME>,'<ENCRYPTION_SCHEME_NAME>') from <DB_NAME>.<TABLE_NAME>;
  • <COLNAME> is the identifier of the column to encrypt.

  • <ENCRYPTION_SCHEME_NAME> is the name of the chosen Privacera encryption scheme.

  • <DB_NAME>.<TABLE_NAME> are the names of the database and table in that database.


In this example, the email column of the bigdatabase.customer_data table is encrypted with the SYSTEM_EMAIL encryption scheme.

select privacera.protect(email, \'SYSTEM\_EMAIL\') from bigdatabase.customer\_data;
select privacera.unprotect(<COLNAME>,'<ENCRYPTION_SCHEME_NAME>') from <DB_NAME>.<TABLE_NAME>;
  • <COLNAME> is the identifier of the column to decrypt.

  • <ENCRYPTION_SCHEME_NAME> is the name of the chosen Privacera encryption scheme, which must be the same encryption scheme used to originally encrypt.

  • <DB_NAME>.<TABLE_NAME> are the names of the database and table in that database.


In this example, the email column of the bigdatabase.customer_data table is decrypted with the SYSTEM_EMAIL encryption scheme.

select privacera.unprotect(email, 'SYSTEM_EMAIL') from bigdatabase.customer_data;
privacera.unprotect with optional presentation scheme

The unprotect UDF supports an optional specification of a presentation scheme that further obfuscates the decrypted data.

For an example of data transformation with the optional presentation scheme, see Example of Data Transformation with /unprotect and Presentation Scheme..PEG REST API on PrivaceraCloud

Example query:

  • <PRESENTATION_SCHEME_NAME> is the name of the chosen Privacera presentation scheme with which to further obfuscate the decrypted data.

  • <OPTIONAL_NAME_FOR_COLUMN_TO_WRITE_OBFUSCATED_OUTPUT> is a "pretty" name for the column that the obfuscated data is written to.

  • Other arguments are the same as in the preceding unprotect example.